
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules and Announcements

This is where all the rules and announcements go. Read and enjoy... I hope.

Moderator: The Smash Master

4 15 1st Activity Check
by The Smash Master
Aug 4, 2008 17:11:14 GMT -5
No New Posts Suggestions

If you have any suggestions that may make this site better, please post them here.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 10 New Idea
by The Smash Master
Aug 4, 2008 17:00:46 GMT -5
No New Posts Plot

The storyline behind this site. Read it here to see what's going on.

Moderator: The Smash Master

2 7 Detectives and Killers?
by theevilgood
Jun 14, 2008 0:37:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Introductions and Goodbyes

Anyone new to the site can introduce themselves here. Also, if you plan on leaving us temporarily or permanently, that goes here too.

Moderator: The Smash Master

4 11 Kusan here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by kusan
Jun 17, 2008 8:17:46 GMT -5
No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: The Smash Master

2 8 Return of the Infamous Character Theme Topic
by theevilgood
Jun 17, 2008 7:05:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Artist's Den

This is where all your fanfics, fanart, original fic/art, poems, etc. goes

Moderator: The Smash Master

6 11 Everybody's Fool
by H.isaye
May 26, 2008 22:35:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Spam Board

This is the place to make spam. Nowhere else.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Advertisement/Affiliate

If you wanna advertise your site or affiliate with us, post here.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Character Creation

Make your character profiles here. You can't RP until they're accepted.

Moderator: The Smash Master

Sub-boards: Accepted Characters, Character Adoption

39 145 Naruto Uzumaki
by The Smash Master
Aug 4, 2008 17:10:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Listing

When canon characters are accepted, they will be posted here under their rightful place. NO POSTING HERE!

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 9 Character Listing
by dza1994
Jun 24, 2008 15:12:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Relationships

Relationships between characters and other characters are posted here.

Moderator: The Smash Master

16 46 Millenium's Ultimate Experiment
by The Smash Master
Jul 24, 2008 21:29:07 GMT -5

Smash Mansion

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Lobby

The main room of the mansion where you can request fights and rooms, as well as requesting to bunk with someone. Other then that, you can just relax here.

Moderator: The Smash Master

Sub-boards: Fight Requests, Room Requests

6 56 Fight Request Thread
by dza1994
Jul 30, 2008 14:35:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Hallways

This is where the Smasher's rooms will be placed. However, many things can happen in the hallways depending on who meets who.

Moderator: The Smash Master

Sub-boards: Alucard's Room, Jessica and Sudaku's Room

3 58 The Harbringer and the Redeemer -Dederick-
by The Smash Master
Jul 24, 2008 13:32:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Cafeteria

Where the Smashers come to recieve their nourishment. Some of the best dishes and drinks in the world are made here.

Moderator: The Smash Master

2 124 Of the undead...
by theevilgood
Aug 30, 2008 21:02:55 GMT -5
No New Posts Recreational

This section of the mansion was made into a recreational area. Mansion workers run a spa during the daytime, and the hot-tubs are open 24/7. There is a special section of this part of the mansion, where those who have coupled up with someone get to build their own "Intimacy room" that only they have a key to. These rooms are build onto the side of the mansion, and are a place for the lovers to make love in a setting more fitted to them, rather than in the standard rooms of the mansion.

Sub-boards: Sudaku and Jessica Room, Inuyasha and Emily Room

1 1 Intimacy Room Singups
by theevilgood
Jul 19, 2008 19:34:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Art Museum

Currently under construction by the following:


(Anybody can join in and help "construct", more people means less time. You need to hear the password from dza1994 to enter.)

Moderator: dza1994

1 34
No New Posts The Club - 1 Viewing

This place is where you can come for good music. Started by Sudaku and Victor, this place was originally just an unused room. Now you can come here after a hard day's work, unwind, and listen to music ranging from Mindless Self Indulgence to Lil' John.

2 93 Both in the military -SOAP-
by theevilgood
Jul 4, 2008 0:25:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Sports Room

Whatever sports, be it something modern like Baseball, Swimming, or Football, or something ancient, like Chariot Wheel Throwing and Dancing, all of history's sports can be played here.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Garage

This is where all of the Smashers that have vehicles keep them. They can also get them repaired, cleaned, and even get someone to PiMp ThEiR RiDe... I couldn't resist.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Infirmiry

Even the Smashers will get injured sometimes. This is where they come to get healed.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 37 Unwilling Treatment (Marie)
by theevilgood
Aug 30, 2008 21:07:56 GMT -5
No New Posts Training Room

Even when you're strong, you can only get stronger. This room is where the Smashers can train for their upcoming matches.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 46 Knife Training -open-
by The Smash Master
Jun 12, 2008 19:54:59 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Battlefield

Like the battlefields of old, this battlefield is a main platform with three platforms floating above. However, the background changes dramatically as morning becomes evening becomes night.

Moderator: The Smash Master

2 63 Removing The... Screw It, Marie's Gonna Die, Huh?
by The Smash Master
Jul 24, 2008 20:58:59 GMT -5
No New Posts Delfino Plaza

This arena is flying around the town of Delfino Plaza. However, it will sometimes make landings in certain areas that will require the Smashers to use strategy depending on where they land.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Yoshi's Island

This stage is built with only one platform and one central platform that will tilt here and there. The support ghost may also come up with a platform of his own. Shy Guys will appear with fruits and the seasons will change randomly.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Lylat Cruise

Fight on a ship with three platforms as it warps to places such as an interplanetary skirmish, a fight between Star Fox and Star Wolf, into the atmosphere of Corneria, and through an Asteroid Belt.

Moderator: The Smash Master

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Bridge of Eldin

Flat terrain with no holes for dropping enemies until King Bulbin passed by and blows the middle of the stage up. However, after a while, one of Midna's portals will bring the blown up part back and reconnect it to the bridge.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Smashville

A stage with a floating platform above the main platform that will move form side to side. The background is that of the Animal Crossing game, with spectators watching your fight. Day, evening, and night depend on when you start the match. Come every Saturday at 8:00 P.M. for a little surprise... K.K. in a live performance.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Rumble Falls

A stage that is based off of DK: Jungle Beat. It only goes up, though the speed may change. The background changes from a waterfall to raising vines to a rainbow, and then back to the waterfall.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Skyworld

A stage with four platforms, one moving platform below, and floors that can crumble easily with consecutive attacks. It's based off the Kid Icarus game.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 17 Removing The Heathens, Attempt #2
by The Smash Master
Jul 24, 2008 16:27:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Castle Seige

This stage is a dynamic Fire Emblem stage that starts on the rooftop, which is taking heavy fire, then goes down into the temple, with statues that can be broken, and the underground, which looks like Hell.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts WarioWare, Inc.

This is Wario's stage. The typical screen is four platforms above the main platform, but it will change as minigames such as jumping, dodging, staying dry, taunting, etc. appear.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Pokemon Stadium 2

A remake of the Pokemon Stadium stage from Melee, featuring the Pokemon types of Flying, Ice, Electricity, and Ground.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Grifball Court

This arena is specifically for Grifball. No other gametype may be played on this arena. This is just a big, open area. There is no cover, a ball in the middle, and 2 goals on either side.

2 19 Tsukasa&Lucifer vs. Sudaku&Luis Grifball #2
by dza1994
Sept 7, 2008 11:05:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Battleship Halberd

Metaknight's ship from the Kirby games. Start off in the hanger. A platform will appear and follow the Halbred as it departs. From there, it flys around the Halbred until it lands on the ship's deck. Beware the beams, missiles, and arm attacks.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Shadow Moses Island

This is the structure in front of the Helipad. High walls surround the stage, but they can be broken with the right amount of attacks. A spotlight will occasionally "encounter" Smashers and Metal Gears will appear in the background.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts New Pork City

A floating city of chaos from the Japanese only game Mother 3. This stage is very big, Hyrule Temple big, with plenty of decoration and plenty of background. On occasion, a monster called the Ultimate Chimera will appear. If he bites you, you lose a life, no ands, ifs, and buts.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts PictoChat

This stage is based off the PictoChat from the Nintendo DS. As you fight, random pictures will be drawn in with different effects, such as a mining cart, high winds, hot flames, etc.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Summit

This is the Summit of Icicle Mountain. It may look normal at first, but be warned! It will break off and slide into the sea, where giant fish can eat you.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Norfair

The area in Metroid where Ridley appeared, there is a lot of lava here, as it may come up from the bottom or from the sides. A tidal wave of lava will also come after you. If you don't get into the safety capsule fast, your ass is fried.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Mario Circuit

This is the 8 shaped race track from Mario Kart. You battle where the eight crosses. Shy Guys who are racing on the track may strike you from the middle or the side, so be careful where you stand when they appear.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Frigate Orpheon

This is the first level in Metroid Prime. The Parasite Queen, first boss in the game, appears in the background. Be careful of power outs and stage flips.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 44 Kijin vs. Naruto
by The Smash Master
May 21, 2008 13:52:20 GMT -5
No New Posts Distant Planet - 1 Viewing

The unexplored planat that Captain Olimar lands on. This stage has a bouncy middle platform and a hill on the left that, when it rains, has water that will push you to your doom. On the right, a monster may appear. Throw your enemy at it to see if it will eat him/her.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 17 Removal of Heathens Part 1
by The Smash Master
Jul 23, 2008 0:51:51 GMT -5
No New Posts Mushroomy Kingdom

The ruins of the once glamerous stages of Worlds 1-1 and 1-2 from the original Super Mario Bros. It's a slow side scrolling stage that takes you through these two levels brick by brick.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Port Town Aero Dive

The huge track from F Zero GX. Fight on a platform that races on the track and stop to fight on the track in random areas. Don't let the F-Zero machines run you over.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Mario Bros.

This is THE level from the old game Mario Bros. Standard KOs are hard to get due to low ceilings. However, throw the sprite enemies like crabs and koopas at your enemies to send them flying all over the place.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Green Hill Zone

The old level from the first Sonic game makes its grand reappearence. It's just a ramp, but the middle can break away. There's also the spinning checkpoint thingy that can damage enemies. In the background, the famous shuttle loop stands and running across it can be seen Tails, Silver, and Knuckles.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Luigi's Mansion

This is the mansion Luigi won, even though he never entered a contest. It has four rooms and four pillars. Knock these pillars down and you will have successfully destroyed the house, making it a flat stage only. Don't worry, though. The house will rebuild itsself.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Spear Pillar

The place where Dialga/Palkia could be found in Pokemon Diamon and Pearl, this stage is composed of a holy ground above, cavelike structure below. Random legendary Pokemon will appear and cause different things to happen.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts 75m

The third level of the old Donkey Kong arcade game recreated bit for bit. Look out for the "trouble bugs" as they're called in Japan. Also, when DK comes out, he'll send springboards out, so don't let them hit you.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Flat Zone 2

This stage takes place inside an old Game and Watch system, which came out in Japan way before many of us were born. The background of the stage changes to match old Game and Watch games such as Fire, Oil Panic, Lion, or Chef.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Hanenbow

A stage based off of the Electroplankton game. You fight on leaves that will change colors as they are attacked. Hanenbow will jump from off stage and touch the leaves, making unique sounds that will make their own music.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Pirate Ship

Fight on Tetra's pirate ship from Windwaker/Phantom Hourglass. The King of Red Lions will float behind the ship, acting as an extra platform. Look out for bomb towers that will shoot bombs at you, rocks that will cause the ship to tilt in an attempt to go over, and cyclones that will make the ship fly.

Moderator: The Smash Master

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No New Posts Final Destination

This stage is composed of one flat platform. That's it. However, the scenery in the background looks nice.

Moderator: The Smash Master

1 42 The "Bitch" In the Red Dress(Open)
by dza1994
Jul 11, 2008 12:55:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Melee Stages

Come here to look at the old stages from Super Smash Bros. Melee that were added.

Moderator: The Smash Master

Sub-boards: Hyrule Temple, Yoshi's Island, Corneria, Onett, Brinstar, Rainbow Cruise, Jungle Japes, Green Greens, Pokemon Stadium, Big Blue

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